Who We Are
Good Food Lewisham is a network of passionate people working together to change the world of food in the London Borough of Lewisham. Our vision is to see our home become a diverse and lively community that connects people to healthy, sustainable and affordable food that is grown, produced and prepared locally to promote a vibrant food culture and prospering local economy.
Good Food Lewisham was founded in 2016 by GCDA and Lewisham Council as part of the Sustainable Food Cities project to help Lewisham become an official Good Food Borough in London by achieving a Bronze Award. Hosted by Lewisham Local and funded by Lewisham Council since 2022, Good Food Lewisham is meant to be a cross-sector community partnership that promotes the great work of everyone throughout the borough. The network should serve as as a hub of information and a point of contact for anyone interested in food - whether an individual, business, school organisation or community group. Food has been widely recognised on a global scale as playing a pivotal role in broad-reaching issues such as diet-related ill health, obesity, waste, social isolation and even climate change. By working together through a joined-up approach, we can begin to tackle these challenges locally and help create a more sustainable, healthy and equitable Lewisham.
Anyone can join the network!
Just sign up to our mailing list via our homepage and commit to at least one good food pledge.
Already doing amazing things in the world of food?
Tell us about it! We can help you promote it across the network.
Our Steering Group
Sistah Stella Headley of Rastafari Movement UK Wellbeing,(RMUK Wellbeing CIC) which exists to support and advance the cultural, social, economic, and personal well-being of under-served communities of South London. They provide culturally specific food parcels, experienced doorstep befriending, advocacy, guidance and signposting for those who are isolated.
Simone Riddle - Food Justice Programme Manager at Lewisham Local. She has experience running a community meal, FoodCycle Lewisham, supported the Coordinated Community Response to Covid-19 working with local food banks in the borough and currently volunteers with a community garden while campaigning to improve the national food system.
Laura Tilbury has been working with Lewisham Local as a Community Development Worker, supporting projects such as the Lewisham Warm Welcomes Project and The Lewisham Community Toilets Scheme. Laura is now supporting food giving groups in the borough alongside developing the Good Food Business Network under Good Food Lewisham, helping to connect, develop and support groups and businesses.
Helen Jackson is the Good Food Lewisham Food Partnership Coordinator since April 2022. She's lived in Lewisham since 2015 and has been involved in other local projects in that time, such as South East London Community Energy and Goldsmiths Community Centre, where she ran weekly gardening sessions. Since March 2023 she's been focusing on building Lewisham Food Growing Network. Helen leads on GFL's quarterly network meetings, as well as working on other SFP areas with colleagues, SG members and others in our network.
Andrea Zick - local resident, currently on a PhD journey in the first cohort of the UK Food Systems Centre for Doctoral Training. She is a trained chef, and since 2015 she has been working as the PA to the GM at the OXO Tower Restaurant, Bar, and Brasserie.
Theresa Webb, also known as ‘Kitchen Buddy, is a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist, wild herbal remedies tour leader, organic and wild food recipe producer, Enable and The Village Walk & Talk groups since 2017 and a London National Park City Ranger. Registered Sugar Smart practitioner. Theresa has lived in Hither Green 40 years plus and has been part of Good Food Lewisham since 2017. She holds a certificate in permaculture design which informs the development at the first main project at a local centenary sensory garden: Forster Memorial Park. Theresa supports other projects including Ital CocoCollective, Verdant Lane Garden.
Tariq Pir - Chair. With 10 years plus experience in supporting and leading on delivery of high profile Government programmes, Tariq was keen as a Lewisham citizen to offer support and insights through skills acquired in strategy, governance, stakeholder engagement, and project and programme delivery to the Good Food Lewisham team. He became chair of GFL in 2023.
Jo Tavers BSc RD MBDA also know as
The London Nutritionist. Jo is a registered dietician and helps with evidenced based nutrition. She is a Lewisham resident and is passionate about food and communities. Jo is a brilliant cook, author of two books, trainer and has a website and cookery demos on Youtube. She has provided nutritional advice to community food projects to make sure their provision is nutritionally balanced.
Raymond is a Principal Business Development Officer at Lewisham
Council responsible for engaging and supporting Lewisham’s businesses.
Our Pledges to You
Improve affordability and accessibility of good food to improve health and wellbeing and reduce food poverty in the borough
Endorse fair wages and working conditions to create a safe and equitable food economy
Provide opportunities to share knowledge and skills of how to grow, buy, cook and eat good food
Foster a strong, thriving local economy by sourcing as locally as possible and supporting new food enterprises and jobs
Bring people together to celebrate our strong and vibrant food cultures
Embed good food ideals within organisations, businesses and families
Promote environmental sustainability by reducing waste, packaging, water and energy use and increasing composting and recycling
Support local and national good food campaigns
Provide space for food growing projects to link people with their food systems
Support practices that preserve and enhance the environment and promote high animal welfare