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Help to build Lewisham Growing Network on 31st January

GFL Quarterly Network Meeting: Growing & Picking Local Food

We're building Lewisham Growing Network. Join us to discover your local community gardens, foraging maps and guides & get growing/picking.

At Stanstead Lodge, 260 Stanstead Road, SE23 1DD

Please sign up via Eventbrite here:

Rough times as follows:

11am - 1pm - Stanstead Lodge will be holding their regular gardening session, so come down to meet them, see the garden and help out

12.30 - 1.30 - FREE LUNCH and launch of the Food Justice Action Plan - this is a separate event and there is another Eventbrite for this, please register for both if you're going to both:

2 - 4 - MAIN MEETING - Updates and info from growing projects, Good Food Lewisham, Grow Lewisham, Capital Growth and discussions on taking some of the below points forward. There will be hot drinks.

4 - If people aren't too tired by then, we could stick around to chat more informally

What will happen:

- Meet local growers, foragers and allotment-holders

- Discover local community gardens and other growing spaces in the borough

- Find out how to grow and forage and get involved in hands on growing activities

- Discuss and take action on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in relation to local growing

- Meet people from Capital Growth and find out about the benefits of joining their network, being on their map and accessing their resources for gardens e.g. around climate and resilience

- Help to build Lewisham Growing Network with Grow Lewisham and others

- Help us build and distribute our list and map of local growing spaces

- Help us map unused land that can be used for growing

- Help us map what growing's happening at local schools and how we can get more schools growing more

- Discuss growing more in the borough to give to food banks/projects

- Help us plan the distribution of a new local foraging guide and develop our foraging map

- Identify and address barriers to people growing and foraging

We won't be able to cover all of this in the session, but things can be taken forward afterwards in working groups depending on interest and capacity.


Helen the Food Partnership Coordinator on or 07726425577


Stanstead Lodge, 260 Stanstead Road, SE23 1DD

The venue is accessible.

It's roughly half way between Catford and Forest Hill, on bus routes 75, 122, 171, 185 and 202 and a 10-15 minute walk from Catford station and 17 minute walk from Forest Hill station.

There's some non restricted parking directly outside and nearby

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